Plastrading thrives despite COVID-19
Submission Date : 2020-10-27

Plastic and Chemical Trading Thrives During COVID-19
Plastic and Chemical Trading is proud to announce that our business and technical team has been thriving, despite the generally negative effect of COVID-19 on the economy. Our organisation believes in setting a standard of excellence that permeates across every level of our business, and our technical team has undoubtedly delivered an unrivalled level of dedication.
Where many global businesses are already facing cashflow challenges, our team have been hard at work throughout the country, offering our clients the continued service excellence they have come to expect. The team have maintained exceptional morale despite six members having tested positive for COVID-19 earlier this year. Khaya Sibisi, Service co-ordinator at Plastic and Chemical Trading, asserted that "things are going great!" The Plastic and Chemical Trading technical team have maintained an outstanding work ethic despite the six remaining team members making limited trips back home as a result of pandemic regulations. Our company has continued to do business as usual, without major retrenchments, as a result of the service team's continued dedication to ensuring work not only continues but is completed to the expected standard.
During their time in East London, the team has been stretched out of their comfort zones, receiving training, and being upskilled to meet new assignments. During the various levels of lockdown, we have received requests from several international businesses to partner in with them, providing support and assistance where their teams have been unable to travel. This international recognition speaks to the distinction and diligence of our team.
The management of Plastic and Chemical Trading would like to commend our technical team on their outstanding work to upskill and take on new business tasks while respecting all government-stipulated regulations for COVID-19. This has been a challenging situation, and the diligence of this exceptional group of employees has ensured that our business continues to thrive despite global duress.