BOY Injection Moulding Machines at K 2025
Submission Date : 2025-01-22

BOY Handling LR 5 - Injection Moulding Machine
'The Power of Plastics - Green, Smart, Responsible' is the motto of this year‘s K show from 8 to 15 October in Düsseldorf.
The trade fair is already fully booked, announces the organiser, Messe Düsseldorf. Even the difficult economic times do not
change the fact that the demand for smart plastics solutions remains high. The increased use of lighter plastics in vehicles is
also helping to reduce CO2 emissions because the lighter vehicles consume less energy. In the construction industry, plastic
insulation also helps to reduce the amount of energy used in buildings. The recyclability of materials is constantly increasing,
which means that less new material is used. THE POWER OF PLASTICS. We are working intensively on smart and innovative
solutions and exciting new developments for you! Be excited!
Hall 13 Stand A43 - 08-15 October 2025

For more information please visit the PMS Plastics Listing: